Millennial’s Shocking Ultimatum to Boomers: ‘Cancel Student Debt or We Will Cough on You’

So much for “We’re all in this together.”

Rachel Henderson, 30, an unemployed bartender and waitress living in the Hudson Valley, recently issued a stark warning to the elder generation, demanding the cancellation of all student debt or members of her generation will purposely infect themselves with COVID-19 and then seek out older Americans at far greater risk for complications and cough on them.

“Look, we’re all staying home and out of work for your sake,” she said in a YouTube video that has received 3.9 million views in just 48 hours. “If I catch this thing I have a .01 percent chance of dying, which is about the same as I have driving to work every morning, at least when I had a job. Meanwhile your generation, which is somehow still holding onto power for going on the fifth decade, has up to a 5-10 percent mortality rate. You’re sitting in your paid-for houses, waiting for your 401k to recover, while you tell us to stay in our apartments for an indefinite period of time, maybe 18 months or more, putting our careers and dreams on hold, and hope our dysfunctional government can keep the checks flowing and our asshole landlords don’t evict us. And all of this to protect you.”

Henderson then issued her ultimatum: “Cancel student debt or we will cough on you.”

Americans borrowers owe $1.5 trillion in student debt, which is non-dischargeable, even in bankruptcy court.

As for how the recipients of this message could possibly grant the request, Henderson pointed out that voting rates are much higher in the Boomer generation, which is also disproportionately represented in Congress, state legislatures and the Supreme Court, as well as the current president and his opponent.

“You figure it out,” she concluded.